Did you know …
90% of employees does not know how they contribute to the bigger picture
Only 10 % of the companies succeed in realizing their strategy
If an organization wants to stay fit for purpose in a VUCA world, “understanding” is a cornerstone. Logical thinking alone is not sufficient in understanding complex interconnections and making wise decisions. Therefore we need a unity of thinking, feeling and acting. At Bizzuals we therefore build communication layers on 2 stable foundations:
– Do we understand the world and our own ecosystem?
– Do we understand each other and do we understand where we want to go together?
To gain those insights, we need a methodical approach to build a full systems model. An approach that allows us to make the best possible (strategic) choices at all times with the most engaged people. Understanding, insight and involvement are key and the communication layer will be the foundation.
Collaborative Visual Thinking
Collaborative Visual Thinking is the method we designed at Bizzuals to build that necessary dialogue consensus. It is a method that helps leadership and employees to think outside the ‘Echo’ chamber. To stimulate creativity and innovation ‘Collaborative visual thinking’ combines the best aspects of “collaboration” and “visual thinking”.
Visual thinking helps us to understand different kind of situations and systems. It is a powerful skill that taps into our deepest biological capability. It makes our private mental models visible. It is a methodology that uses visualization and visual management to externalize internal thinking processes, making them more clear, explicit, and actionable

Applying the ‘collaborative’ aspect helps us to reveal various points of view. It helps us to build the dialogue consensus as ground for common understanding. It emerges a unified systems model that integrates the diversity of everyone’s individual point of view. We do it together and often that makes it fun too.
Collaborative Visual Thinking is also about using tools and creating the right setting. Visual work is the central backbone, but it is combined with material in different shapes, colors and sizes, embedded in an environment that takes participants out of their daily work routine, an environment that inspires and stimulates innovative thinking (bizzuals imagineering lab)